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Welcome, Lesson 0 and training

At the beginning of each academic year, the School of Design offers students introductory activities called “Lesson 0”.


Lesson 0

This initiative comprises a number of meetings dedicated to students at the School of Design, in which important information about the School and the services it provides is shared.

On this occasion it is also possible to meet, get to know and discuss with the key figures of one's university career, such as the Dean, Deputy Dean, Course Coordinator, student representatives and office staff.

Each meeting develops different themes and focuses, depending on the year and level.

Presentations and all documentation produced for the meetings are published in this section.


Prior to the start of teaching, the following courses are mandatory:
- COURSE ON SAFETY IN THE LABORATORIES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DESIGN (online course accessible from online services)
- PRACTICAL TRAINING (in presence at the labs from 09 to 13 September). 
More details can be found in the following file: Design training courses

Bachelor’s Degree courses

First year of Bachelor's Degree

Second and third year of Bachelor’s Degree

Master’s Degree courses

First year of Master’s Degree

Second year of Master’s Degree