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Exam Dates  

Registration for Exams

Students must register for the exam roll call in which they intend to sit, and are invited to check the status of their registration before sitting the exam, as non-registration will make it impossible to record a grade.

Registration for an exam is allowed until midnight on the day of the call. Late applications will be subject to the teacher's discretion. Cancellation of an exam is permitted until midnight on the day before the exam.

After completing the student opinion questionnaire for the specific course, the student must complete the enrolment procedure, saving and conserving the receipt with the protocol number released by the application.

Workshop dates

For 3rd year Bachelor’s Degree Workshops it is not necessary to register for the exam roll call, but it is required to fill in the questionnaire regarding the evaluation of teaching.

For Master’s Degree Workshops, it is compulsory to register for the exam roll call.

For Product Service System Design and Digital Interaction Design’s Professional Workshops it is not necessary to register for the exam roll call, but it is required to fill in the student opinion questionnaire.


The assessments that can be achieved are:

  • passed: with a grade;
  • held back to the next exam;
  • held back to the next session.

Since Laboratories and Workshops’ exam dates are scheduled in the first session following the end of the activity, the held back evaluations imply the need to attend the course again the following academic year.

Rejection of a mark 

During the grades publication period, the student has the possibility to refuse the grade awarded via the online services.

Without an explicit refusal, the grade will be recorded in the student’ career.

Exam Sessions

In order to consult the upcoming exams’ dates for a specific course, the Exam Sessions service is available. This service allows students to consult the exams scheduled for a specific date or within a specific period of time.