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Student Representatives

University is the place where we can advance our knowledge, but also our desires for our future. Here, students and teaching staff get together to follow the intuition that one, two, or five years ago led us to choose this school.

Every two years elections are held for student representatives in the various University bodies and some of us decide to stand as candidates with the desire to put forward proposals to improve the teaching, services and study support, but also to suggest meetings, trips and cultural events that open windows onto the real world.

For many of us, the idea of standing for election as student representatives came from a suggestion made by older friends to live our university lives more intensely; to study and take active part in what is happening.

There are various electoral lists in our University, and each of them works in its own way for the good of all.
There are student representatives in three bodies: Board of Studies, Joint Committee, and School Council.

Board of Studies

Every study program has its own where proposals and problem areas for that particular discipline are discussed. This is the more humble of the two, but also the more useful, where we representatives are called to our duties.


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Joint Committee

School Council