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Curricular Internships

General Information

Curricular internships allow you to verify and complete the theoretical and methodological lessons you have learned during your studies, through concrete contact with the world of work and with specialists in the sector.

Compulsory curricular internship

This is the internship required by the study plan for students enrolled in any Master's Degree programme and is acknowledged with ECTS.

Optional curricular internship

It can be carried out by: 

  • students undertaking an internship to develop their Master's Thesis;
  • students who simply wish to gain practical experience.

This type of internship does not appear in the study plan and does not lead to the recognition of ECTS. However, the activity must include material relevant to the course of study.

Students must undertake the compulsory internship in order to obtain the necessary credits and the Master's Degree. However, if they activate one (or more) optional internships, these must be completed before the Thesis is discussed. 

Extra-curricular internship

Extra-curricular internship, intended as additional experience useful for entering the work field, can be undertaken by recent graduates who are no longer enrolled in a course of study, begin up to 12 months after obtaining their degree and last up to 6 months for each experience. The extra-curricular internship does not confer university credits and is managed by the Career Service.   


For further information please consult the Career Service page


In the case of a student worker (i.e. employed by a company with an employment contract other than an internship, lasting at least six months and employing a professional figure related to their degree course) it is possible to obtain the recognition of the experience as an "Activity assimilated to an internship", subject to the approval of the Academic Course Contact (SAT) for compulsory curricular internships (see the paragraphs "Contacts" and "Academic Tutors" below).

For more information, see the paragraph "How to activate an internship" below.


How to search for an internship:

Internships can be found through the following methods:

•              Applying to the online offers on the Career Service website with my CV and portfolio using the correct filters according to internship type and subject area. Within thirty days after applying, the student may be contacted directly by the organization for an interview if their profile matches the requirements.

•              Discovering a company independently through personal contacts, faculty recommendations, or independent research.

•              Directly contacting (acquaitances, alumni) or professors who is available to host them in a laboratory for the completion of a Practical Internal Activity.

For more information, please refer to the Career Service section titled How to Find the Right Internship for You.


WARNING: If you are interested in an internship abroad, it is recommended that you make your CV and portfolio available online in English, either by creating a personal website or using file-sharing services.

Students are advised to take action at least 3 / 4 months in advance of the planned internship period due to time constraints related to the search for internships and gathering any necessary documentation (visa...).  Students should personally verify if a visa is required and, if so, determine the appropriate process to obtain it.

If specific documentation is required by the university, it can be requested through the Career Service, with a notice period of approximately 10-15 days.

For internships abroad within Europe, students can participate in the annual Erasmus+ for Traineeship competition, managed by the Career Service.

At the end of the internship, the student and the tutor of the host organisation will have to fill in an online questionnaire to evaluate the experience, by using the link and instructions that they will receive by e-mail on the last day of the internship; the student must pay particular attention to filling in the questionnaire, that requires a technical report on the activities carried out.

The validation of the internship is correctly completed when the student’s study plan displays the word "Conv" (Validate) next to the heading "Internship", followed by "00" in the evaluation box, as the internship has no grade and therefore not calculated in the grade average.

Internship variations: 

Legal references

D.d.u.o. 5 novembre 2013 – n.10031 Nuovi indirizzi Regionali in materia di tirocini - Disposizioni attuative
DM 509/99

  • Design & Engineering: Prof. Silvia Ferraris 
  • Communication Design: Prof. Francesco E. Guida
  • Design for the Fashion System: Prof.ssa Susanna Testa 
  • Digital and Interaction Design:  Prof.ssa Mariana Ciancia
  • Integrated Product Design: Prof.ssa Stefania Palmieri
  • Interior and Spatial Design: Prof Alessandro Biamonti  
  • Product Service System Design:  Prof.ssa Daniela Selloni, Prof.ssa Stefana Maja Broadbent, Prof. Peter Di Sabatino

 CFUs 2022/2023HOURS
+ 6 PWS
(compulsory Professional workshop*)
(6 seminar
+ 3 Team Building)
(+ compulsory seminar*
+ Teambuilding*)

*It is NOT possibile to substitute the compulsory workshop/Seminar/teambuilding credits with a longer internship/working experience.

Elective internships are managed by the Career Service:


In Italy as outside it. In firms, studios, agencies, companies, associations, laboratories come all’estero presso studi, agenzie, aziende, associazioni, laboratori es, research centers, universities (Polimi included, but only in the case of curricular compulsory internships). Also during exchange periods (Erasmus, extraEU exchanges).

The student sends an email to the Internship Office with the following information:

  • Student data (name and surname, ID number and degree course)
  • Company data (name, VAT number)
  • Company contact data (first and last name, e-mail address)
  • Description of the activity proposed
  • Educational assignments

Get contact information

Asking via email to, indicating the company name and VAT number.

Yes, Politecnico di Milano provides you with an insurance covering you in terms of accidents and civil liability, in days, premises and hours declared within the document itself; for this reason it is necessary that the internship is activated by delivering to the Internship Office the contract signed by the parties before the beginning of the internship.

The Company will be informed by the Career Service upon request of the agreement of the need to pay € 32.00 as a reimbursement of stamp duty (unless it is a foreign body, public body or ONLUS).

Yes, only for serious and documentable reasons and only after notice to the Internship Office. In the case of compulsory internship, if no minimum hour amount has been reached, the hours spent are not recoverable and a new internship of at least 250 hours is required.

Normally, the internship must be done in a working environment. According to the Policy of Politecnico di Milano on Internships, during the health emergency due to Covid-19 it is always possible to carry out the internship activity by remote or in a blended mode (remote + in presence), provided that the quality of the of supervision by your Host Organization is granted.

Contact and inform the Internship Office via email on any changes to the Internship Document.

No. In the absence of an Agreement and an Internship Document, there is no legal internship or insurance coverage.

The 3rd year workshop can be replaced by non curricular training activities such as internships with the support of the Internship Office. The application for replacement must be submitted before the start of the activity and before the start of the semester in which the course for which validation is requested is placed. The documentation to be submitted must be requested via email to the Internship Office.

Write to the Internship Office for the proper verifications.