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Admission to Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees

Admission to Bachelor’s Degrees

In order to access the Bachelor’s Degree courses of the School of Design, it is mandatory to take an admission test, named TOLD.

TOLD General Information

TOLD Enrolment

Scores and Rankings


Admission to Master’s Degrees  

The Master’s Degree courses of the School of Design are scheduled on a programmed number of students, who are selected on the basis of the applications for admission received.

Admission application for candidates with foreign Degree

Admission to the Master's Degree courses of the School of Design with a foreign Degree is subject to the submission of an application.

For more information about the admission procedure, please visit:


Admission application for candidates with Italian Degree

To be admitted to the Master's Degree courses of the School of Design it is necessary to submit an application in either the 1st semester. 

Applications can be submitted during the periods indicated in the academic calendar only by:  

  • candidates with a Bachelor’s Degree;
  • candidates enrolled in the 3rd year of the Bachelor’s Degree with at least 145 ECTS in actual attendance (excluding the final exam) by the application deadline;
  • candidates who will apply as graduating students and who have not yet graduated at the end of the enrollment process, who may enroll in the Master's Degree course "with reservations": the Degree must be obtained by December 2 for admissions to the 1st semester.

The preconditions for admission to the evaluation procedure are:

  • candidates coming from Politecnico di Milano must have a weighted average score equal to or higher than 23/30 (calculated at the end of the application process);
  • candidates coming from other universities must have a weighted average score equal to or higher than 25/30 (calculated at the end of the application process);
  • candidates must be in possession of an adequate English language certificate.


Candidates who do not meet the preconditions will be excluded.

Applicants who do not upload the project portfolio (or the substitute documentation specified below) will also be excluded.

The documents required for assessing the application must be uploaded in digital format when submitting the online application.

The documents required are as follows:  

  • Project portfolio: for those coming from non-project schools, it is possible to replace the portfolio with an abstract of the degree dissertation and/or a report of curricular internship experiences or extra-curricular experiences (PDF file, max. 20 MB);
  • Curriculum (PDF file, max. 4 MB);
  • Self-certification of study plan with weighted average rounded to the second decimal place: marks obtained for each teaching and Scientific Disciplinary Sectors (only for candidates from other Universities) (PDF file, max. 5 MB);
  • Letter of motivation: containing the application letters for each course option expressed (PDF file, max. 4 MB); 
    Documents can be written in Italian or English.  

It is possible to access the Master’s Degree Courses only in the first semester.
The application for admission is submitted between June and July.
For further information please consult the deadlines.

The Commissions will verify in priority the number of candidates admitted by right to establish the number of places available for comparative evaluation.

The Commissions will proceed to evaluate the individual preparation of the candidates based on the documentation submitted. The candidate's suitability will be determined on the basis on the project portfolio (abstract of degree dissertation or equivalent document for candidates from non-project schools): with a mark lower than 18/30, the candidate will be declared ineligible.

To draw up the ranking list, the Commission has a maximum of 100 points to assign.

The merit list, with all the candidates eligible for admission, will indicate those "Useful for enrolment" and those “Not useful for enrolment” due to the achievement of the programmed number. Once matriculations have been completed, a repechage phase will be opened.

Publication of results  

The rankings of those admitted by right and the merit list will be published on the School website.  
It will be possible to verify the possibility of enrolment or placement on the waiting list.  
The merit list does not include candidates excluded or evaluated negatively: those eligible for enrolment in the first option (including the first options on the School of Architecture) are excluded from other lists.  
At the end of the matriculation period, a repechage phase will be opened and the places of those who have withdrawn will be available: each candidate will be placed only in the ranking most favorable to him.  

Allocation of curricular supplements

Admission to Master's Degree Courses not in continuity may entail the assignment of curricular supplements. The courses assigned to fill educational gaps are part of the Bachelor's Degree Courses, where the School annually decides on the number of admissions. This implies the definition of a limited number of places available for curricular integrations, distributed as follows:  

  • Integrated Product Design – max 5
  • Interior and Spatial Design – max 5
  • Communication Design – max 6
  • Design for the Fashion System – max 6
  • Product Service System Design – max 2
  • Design & Engineering – max 2
  • Digital and Interaction Design – max 2

Candidates not falling within the programmed number will see a "Pending" evaluation.  

Once candidates have passed the integrations, they must apply again to the Master’s Degree Course and upload the useful documentation for the assessment (possibly updated with further design and professional experiences), in order to compete with other candidates for the available places.  

Passing the integrations assigned does not give you priority in the rankings, nor guarantee admission to the subsequent assessment sessions.

For further information please consult the Guide to Admission to Master's Degree Courses.