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Optional Curricular Activities

Students have the possibility to customise their Study Plan within their Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree course, by indicating their preference options for certain Studios and Workshops, and for elective courses.

Following the expression of their preferences (5 for each area), the School will proceed with the allocation, according to the criteria published in the Guide to the presentation of the Study Plan and allocations.

Go to the Career Guides 

Compilation of the preferences for elective courses

When compiling the annual Study Plan, students must enter the different options offered for the Workshops and for the elective courses in order of preference.

For Workshops, preferences can be expressed only by participating in specific calls launched in the weeks preceding the activities.

Customisation of the Bachelor’s Degree Study Plan

Students in the second year of their degree courses have the possibility to express their preferences for the Laboratory scheduled for the second semester (if foreseen, also for a 1st semester Laboratory).  

Every year the School organises presentations and provides additional informative material published online to support students in their choice.  

Notices and presentations schedules are published in July.  

Students in the third year of their degree courses have the possibility to express their preferences for the Final Synthesis Laboratory. 

Every year the School organises presentations and provides additional informative material published online to support students in their choice.  

Notices and presentations schedules are published in July. 

Some Degree courses offer various options for Curricular Workshops in co-operation with the professional world:  

Interior Design: call for the Interdisciplinary Workshop in the third year of the Bachelor’s Degree (internship activity in co-operation with the professional world); 

Product Design: call for Interdisciplinary Workshop in the third year of the Bachelor’s Degree (internship activity in co-operation with the professional world);  

The academic calendar shows the weeks in which the Workshops are held.  

Every year the School organizes presentations and provides additional informative material published online to support students in their choice.  

Elective courses are offered in the third year for Bachelor’s Degree Courses.  

Every year the School organises presentations and provides additional informative material published online to support students in their choice.  

Following allocation to the elective courses, the School provides a one week time period in which students can submit a request to change the elective course in which they have been allocated, choosing among the courses with available places.  

The list of courses with available places is published once the allocation process has been completed.  

For further information about elective courses for the current academic year: 

CaS BSc Design degli Interni 
CaS BSc Design del Prodotto Industriale
CaS BSc Design della Comunicazione
CaS BSc Design della Moda

Customisation of the Master’s Degree Study Plan

Students in the second year of the Master’s Degree courses have the possibility to express their preferences for the Final Synthesis Studio, if foreseen by the course of study. 

Every year the School organises presentations and provides additional informative material published online to support students in their choice.

Notices and presentations schedules are published in July. 

Elective courses are offered in the first and/or second year for all Master's Degree courses. Every year the School organises presentations and provides additional informative material published online to support students in their choice.

Following allocation to the elective courses, the School provides a one week time period in which students can submit a request to change the elective course in which they have been allocated, choosing among the courses with available places.

The list of courses with available places is published once the allocation process has been completed. 


For further information about elective courses for the current academic year: 

CaS MSc Design & Engineering
CaS MSc Design della comunicazione
CaS MSc Design for the Fashion  System
CaS MSc Digital and Interaction Design
CaS MSc Integrated Product Design
CaS MSc Interior and Spatial Design
• CaS MSc Product Service System Design

Some Master's Degree courses offer students the opportunity to participate in Curricular Workshops in collaboration with visiting professors. In particular:  

  • Integrated Product Design organises a call for applications for the 2nd Year Workshop. 
  • Interior and Spatial Design organises a call for applications for the 2nd year workshop. 
  • Communication Design organises a call for applications for the 2nd year Workshop. 
  • Digital and Interaction Design organises a call for applications for the 1st year Workshop and the 2nd year Professional Workshop. 

The academic calendar shows the weeks in which the Workshops are held. 

Each course of study may provide the expression of further options of attendance, depending on the specific nature of the learning programme. Students must evaluate the programme, the language and semester of delivery, and the time schedule of the courses, in order to express their preferences.

Curricular Workshop  

To access the list of calls for the Curricular Workshops, please refer to the associated page of this website.

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