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The Council is chaired by the Dean and is made up of the Vice Dean, the Directors of the Departments supporting the School, the Programme Coordinators and a number of elected student representatives.

Members of the School Council

Prof. Francesco Zurlo (Dean)
Prof. Anna Meroni (Vice-Dean)

Department Directors

  • Prof. Massimo Bricocoli - Architettura e Studi Urbani 
  • Prof. Stefano Capolongo - Architettura, Ingegneria delle Costruzioni e Ambiente Costruito
  • Prof. Levi Marinella - Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica
  • Prof. Marano Claudia - (delegate) - Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica
  • Prof. Deserti Alessandro - Design
  • Prof. Sergio Matteo Savaresi - Elettronica, Informatica e Bioingegneria 
  • Prof. Garzotto Franca (delegato) - Elettronica, Informatica e Bioingegneria
  • Prof. Cagliano Raffaella - Ingegneria Gestionale
  • Prof. Tommaso Buganza (delegate) - Ingegneria Gestionale
  • Prof. Frangi Attilio - Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale
  • Prof. Stefano Mariani (delegate) - Ingegneri Civile e Ambientale
  • Prof. Sabadini Irene - Matematica
  • Prof. Edie Miglio (delegate) - Matematica
  • Prof. Belloli Marco - Meccanica

Programme Board Coordinators

  • Prof. Valeria Iannilli - Fashion Study Course Coordinator
  • Prof. Giorgio Colombo - D&E Study Course Coordinator
  • Prof. Valeria Bucchetti - Communication Study Course Coordinator
  • Prof. Daniela Sangiorgi - PSSD Study Course Coordinator
  • Prof. Francesco Scullica - Intern Study Course Coordinator
  • Prof. Venanzio Arquilla - Product Study Course Coordinator
  • Prof. Margherita Pillan - DID Study Course Coordinator

Design P.hD. Coordinator

  • Prof. Lucia Rampino

Student Representatives

Ex officio members

  • Enrico Maria Forlani
  • Maria Alexandra Pantea

Members invited as Student Representative in the Joint Board

  • Caterina Pernarella
  • Federica Pompa
  • Mercedes Maria Vitali

Invited to Council meetings

  • Agnese Rebaglio - Delegata alla didattica per il Dipartimento di Design
  • Andrea Ratti, CdLM Design Navale e Nautico
  • Study course secretaries
  • The Delegates
  • School administration employees