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Internal Double Degrees

The Internal Double Degrees between different courses of study at Politecnico di Milano are six semesters (three years) multidisciplinary courses, which allow the achievement of two Master’s Degrees.


Management Engineering & Product Service System Design Double Degree

Management EngineeringProduct Service System Design is the Internal Double Degree program currently active in the School of Design.  

Students interested in applying for the Double Degree in Management EngineeringProduct Service System Design, must participate in the call for applications published on both School websites and accessible through the online services in “Admission Request” → “Admission to selection procedures” and upload the required documents. The application must be submitted within the deadlines and in accordance with the rules indicated in the Call.  

Students applying to the Call will subsequently be selected to access the project.  




For further information, consult the Regulations.



The Double Degree in Management EngineeringProduct Service System Design is open to 20 selected students from the Master’s Degree in Management Engineering and the Master’s Degree in Product-Service System Design (10 students for each Master’s Degree).  

Students of Politecnico di Milano enrolled for the current academic year in the first year (and first semester for students of Product Service System Design) can apply to participate in the Double Degree project in Management Engineering and Product Service System Design according to the deadlines and rules indicated in the Call.  

Prerequisite for Product Service System Design students (School of Design) is the passing of the first year Laboratories.  

Please note: the number of available places and the selection procedures may vary, according to the Call indications.

As for all Master's Degree Courses, class attendance is established by each professor. Most of the courses do not have compulsory attendance, but it is strongly recommended in order to understand the technical subjects that are not part of the design discipline.

The Graduation Exam is unique and the discussion is held in the School of belonging. The Thesis submitted must focus on topics relevant to both faculties. The grade increasing decided by the Design Committee (in which faculty from the School of Management Engineering may also be included) will also be applied to the Management Engineering grade.

At the end of the course, students will not receive a single mixed Degree, but rather two separate Degrees. The student will receive the Degree, with the relative parchment, both in Product Service System Design and in Management Engineering.

By participating the program, students will develop the ability to design and manage innovative ecosystems of products, services, communication, digital spaces and artefacts, and the related business models.  

Specifically, the following skills will be acquired:

  • Conceiving innovative and sustainable business models that create value for people and society; - Recounting these business models in order to effectively share them with other people in an organization, partners, stakeholders and customers;
  • Creating value for the enterprise and a positive vision for both the user and the organization (its stakeholders, its management, and all who contribute to it);
  • Leading the development and implementation process, involving others, so that the vision becomes a reality, having a real impact on business and society.  

Typical professional outlets for this Double Degree may include the following areas: strategy, innovation, marketing, branding, design, business development, project management with a strategic perspective.  

Organizations interested in this profile are those with an innovation-based strategy. These companies can be for-profit or non-profit, large or small, startups or part of the public sector.