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Tutoring was established by Law no. 341 dated 1990 (Reform of the Italian university educational systems) as an activity designed to "guide and assist students throughout their studies, making them active participants in the educational process and removing obstacles to successful course attendance, also through initiatives tailored to the needs, attitudes and requirements of individuals" (Art. 13).

The Tutoring service has as its objective the assistance to students during their studies, before and during their university career, so that this can take place within the times provided for by the didactic regulations and in a profitable way from the point of view of training the professional and human skills.

Tutoring activities are organized into the following services: 

Peer to Peer Tutoring

The School of Design offers the tutoring's opportunity to its students through the "Peer to Peer" project, where more experienced tutor students, individually to the students who request it, help on the basic teachings of the first two years of all courses of the Bachelor's degree.
Students can request free Peer to Peer tutoring by the ways that the School will deliver.
The support is provided as part of Peer to Peer Tutoring and is one-to-one (tutor/tutee).
For further information or clarifications: contact

Orientation Tutoring

The service is designed to raise awareness of the educational activities in the present studies courses provided by the school, in order to clarify the educational goals and career opportunities to future freshmen. The Service also provides information to students regarding the practical organization of studies (structure of study plans, organization of teaching, etc.), the support structures offered by the Politecnico. This activity involves Master of Science students-tutors, technical administrative staff.

Didactic Tutoring

The Didactic Tutoring is a service aimed at students that provides useful interventions to overcome the difficulties that the student encounters during the course of study and to obtain a profitable attendance of the courses. Provides support through the activation of preparatory and recovery forms of teaching, assisting teaching on specific topics, where students show deficiencies or need for further study. The interventions consist of additional and complementary lessons to the official courses (support cycles, exercises, etc.) and classroom support, in particular in the case of the Laboratories. In the first case, students are informed by means of notices published on the website (News section) and by sending timely email communications, in the second case, students will receive information from the teachers in charge of the Laboratories. The didactic Tutoring service is carried out by Master of Science students-tutors, PhD students, professors and externals.

The didactic tutoring also offers the tutoring service for Internships.

The service is aimed at assisting students in the research and activation procedures of compulsory and optional curricular internships. Academic tutor: he is the supporting and accompanying figure of the training and learning process of the students engaged in the individual internships. It constantly monitors the progress of the curricular internship, as well as the seriousness, motivations and commitment of the trainee and host institution. The didactic tutoring service is carried out by students - degree and master's degree tutors, teachers and technical-administrative staff.

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